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The car GAS-24-10 «Volga»

GAS-24-10 «Volga» - the Soviet passenger car of middle class, the production of the Gorky Automobile Plant, produced from the end of 1985 until the spring of 1992. Modification with V8 (2434) continued to be produced until 1993-1994 years. The predecessor - «Volga» GAZ-24 (1970-1985).
GAS-24-10 represented version of deep modernization of the previous model with the use of a number of design solutions of the model GAZ-3102 (in series with the 1982).

After the beginning of production of «Volga» GAZ-3102 - cars-new, though, and based on the GAZ-24, but rather from her especial, Gas reflect on major update and the base of the model - «the twenty-fourth» «Volga».
The machine itself by this time looked at the background of the then foreign cars far not the best way, both in terms of design, and from the point of view of the internal device.
However, for economic reasons, and also because of the expected in a time of rapid income in the production of a completely new family of «Volga» on the basis of GAS-3105, the amount of change was the result is relatively small, and was limited primarily to the partial unification with " GAZ-3102» and reduce the cost.
In particular, the car received a new door, with a «safe» recessed handles with flat «blades» instead of buttons, as well as lost for the sake of fashion Windows (which has a negative impact on the ventilation and substantially increased effort to the handle of the window); heavily modified salon with a new the dashboard of a rigid thermoplastic (the so-called «low» panel), in contrast to the «high» of the " GAZ-3102"; in form and design, it was somewhat similar to the panel " GAZ-3102 " and had the same «stuffing», in particular instrument cluster with three «pillars», but was made of cheaper material; probably, the part of machines manufactured in higher integration, had a «high» panel, new seats, finishing panels of the doors, and so on. Changes in the appearance were mainly aimed at reducing the cost of production, which was expressed, in particular, in the distance from the surface of the body practically all shiny elements. Mechanical component was also updated.
The entire modernization was carried out gradually, in stages, and in the end took several years: from appearing in 1984 plastic grille on the export of machines, to update the wagon in 1987.
In 1985 produced machines «transition» series, which is sometimes called GAS-24M (which is not quite correct - the official designation is not used). These machines were mechanical stuffing from 24-10, but generally maintained the appearance and the salon of the previous version, even on fully retaining the original equipment of the machines of this period there are various combinations of the different elements of the GAZ-24 and 24-10. Partly, however, it also refers to a full-fledged GAS-24-10, which began to descend from the conveyor in fact, only since 1986; for example, even in the factory manual mentions that the lattice of the radiator can be as plastic, new design and metal chromium-plated, as the GAZ-24.
Inside of the car was completely renovated and looked by the standards of the eighties quite modern. The main novelty in the technical respect of a 100-strong (according to other information 98 HP). the engine ZMZ-402, existing in a somewhat modified form so far, although he was only a modernized version of 24Д (improved карбюрацию due to the new carburetor K-151С, improved printing, cooling, and other small changes).
In a sling changes were aimed at improving the stability, plus it became possible to use wider wheels and improved braking system (fully dual-circuit braking system with vacuum booster and the regulator in braking mechanisms of the rear wheels), introduced new wheels with wider tread, radial tubeless tires and plastic «aerodynamic» caps, finalized wiper increased resource of a trapeze, improved heating of rear window is replaced ventilation electric heating, glazing of the front doors without Windows, front position lamps moved in the headlights, rear axle - ratio of the main transmission of 3.9, brake lever was moved from under the instrument panel in its usual place between the front seats. Part of the machinery supplied with front disc brakes from " GAZ-3102".
GAS-24-10 was a significant step forward in the field of ergonomics - the location and operation of controls on it compared with the previous model more or less in accordance with the modern at that time ideas about it, despite the preservation of some archaic elements, like exhaust Central switch of light; seats with headrests and, in the higher trim levels, worn velour upholstery were quite comfortable and the front even have an adjustment in height (the so-called «garage» for the adjustment required the use of the tool).
Outside the car has lost a substantial part of the chrome and stainless steel decor (chromed the «Volga» on the front fenders and rear panel, trim along the bottom of the tailgate, and other elements; the outside rearview mirror is the same, but became black). Bumpers lost «fangs», that is, in the form returned to the sample prior to 1977 (the подштамповки for «fangs» on them remained), disappeared Parking lights on дефлекторах ventilation, Playground for rooms under the front bumper. Wheel covers stainless steel have been replaced by simple plastic, закрывавшими all wheel whole, and not just the hub of the disk, and in the operating instructions called «aerodynamic» - they were remarkable that had the original reliable fastening system with curly Central locking, prevents spontaneous Department case against the rim of a wheel in motion.
In this form the machine received the name of the GAS-24-10 (well written 2410, but in the sources of the time usually is the index of «24-10»), a wagon was accordingly renamed in 24-12 (2412) - he ousted the former only by 1987. Similarly were renamed, and the remaining modification (even to the version number for the security services-cylinders engine - GAS-24-24 - added ten, and she became a GAS-24-34).

Technical characteristics
Dimensions, mm - 4735x1800x1490
Base - 2800
The body - sedan
The engine ZMZ-402.10 (4021.10), gasoline, carburetor, in-line
number of cylinders
Technical characteristics
number of cylinders - 4
working volume - 2445 cm3
number of valves - 8
location - left
power, HP/kW - 100/73,5 (90/66,2) at 4500 rpm
Gearbox : manual, a four-step
front - independent, spring
the rear axle, the longitudinal springs
the drive wheels, rear
Brake - hydraulic, with the hydro vacuum amplifier, the drum
Electrical Equipment - 12 In
The size of the tires 205/70 R14
Maximum speed, km/h (145 147 with ZMZ-4021.10)

GAS-24-11 "Volga" - is a modification of the basic GAS-24-10 "Volga" designed for operation in taxi companies of the USSR and was produced serially in 1985-1992-m I.I. The main difference was established by the engine ZMZ-4021 with reduced to 6.7 degree of compression power of the 90 h.p.; torque 173 Nm; gasoline A-76.
GAS-24-12 «Volga». Seven-wagon on the basis of GAS-24-10, published with the 1986-1994 gg.

Project evaluation
GAS-24-10 was the first model of «Volga», coming in retail sales in large enough quantities - although queue preserved, and the price of the car was very high compared with the previous models of passenger Gases he still became significantly more accessible to «private».
However, at the same time development of GAS-24-10 and was marked by a significant drop in quality compared to earlier products of the plant.
It is of relatively low quality of Assembly, and in particular - bad anticorrosion treatment and low coloration of the body, often by «simplified» technology, as well as poorly written as a result of wear die geometry of the body panels and deteriorating compared with earlier models of the quality of chrome cover those parts that it had been, perhaps, the main problem of the GAS-24-10, especially of late, already the Russian issue.
Also there are known problems with the heating system, linked both to a low quality of production (large gaps in the connection of the heater), and with defects of the Assembly, and with the gearbox, in which the inclusion of the second transmission on the move could be accompanied by greater efforts. In addition, changing the dimension of tires (diagonal 7, 35 -14 on the radial 205/70 R14), and decrease the diameter of the steering wheel at a constant gear ratio steering did the process take more severe.
In the rest the model 24-10 inherited the robustness and reliability of its predecessor. Subsequently, it is on the basis of GAS-24-10, crossed with modified (рестайлинговым) chassis GAZ-3102, created the first постперестроечная passenger car model plant «Volga» GAZ-31029, replaced later on the model of the «Volga» deep modernization of GAZ-3110, in turn, later subjected to restyling and created up to 2009 as the GAZ-31105.
At the present time a large number of cars GAZ-24-10, originally brought in to the hands of private owners, all are still in operation. 

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