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The Gorky automobile plant (GAZ)

The Gorky automobile plant (abbreviated as «GAS»), a Russian building enterprise, the largest producer of passenger cars, light trucks and minibuses.
The plant was founded in 1932 as the Nizhny Novgorod automobile plant named after. M. Molotov and is located in Nizhny Novgorod (from 1932 to 1990 - Bitter). Was a member of the JSC «GAZ», but in 2005, in the course of restructuring of the Assembly production of cars and trucks are allocated in separate subsidiary - OOO Automobile plant «GAZ». In August, after the cuts, 2009, at the JSC «Gorky automobile plant» and LLC Automobile plant «GAZ» worked 27 thousand people.    

   Construction and pre-war years:
Оn may 31, 1929, the Council of the USSR and the American company Ford Motor Company entered into an agreement on technical assistance for the organization and the organization of mass production of cars and trucks. The basis of the production program were selected models of Ford and Ford-AA. The Nizhny Novgorod automobile factory (NAZ) came into operation 1 January 1932 and in the same year, with his conveyor came down the first of 1.5-ton truck NAZ-AA (since 1933 - GAZ-AA). In December of the same year, began the Assembly of the car GAS-AND with open 5-local body «Faeton». In spite of the fact that the first cars of the plant were manufactured according to the drawings of the American company Ford, they were slightly different from American prototypes: the ГАЗовских models have been strengthened crankcases clutch and steering mechanisms, changed the shape of the radiator, inch nuts have been replaced by a millimeter. Combining кордовские patents with the search for and implementation of their own decisions, the designers of the Gas created an extensive family of original serial models and modifications on the basis of полуторки GAZ-AA:
in 1933 - 17-the local bus GAS-03-30, produced at the Gorky plant of buses (ГЗА, the former «Gudok October»);
in 1934 - 2-ton three-axis (6×4) truck GAZ-AAA and 1.2-ton dump truck GAZ-410;
in 1938 modernized 50-strong truck GAZ-MM, газогенераторный 1-ton truck GAZ-42, полугусеничный truck GAZ-60 and ambulance car GAZ-55, published in ГЗА. 
In 1933 on the basis of the car GAZ-A was created truck GAZ-4 with steel cab from полуторки and metal platform for 500 kg of cargo. In addition, мелкосерийно were issued by closed sedans GAS-3 and GAS-6.17 of April, 1935, from the plant conveyor came hundred-thousandth of a car. It was the car GAZ-A. Thus, the GAS was the first automotive company in the country that has issued 100 000 cars.
According to the agreement with Ford Motor, GAS continued to receive technical support of the American company for another 5 years after the start-up of the plant. So in the USSR, have received documentation on the model of the Ford Model B 1933 model year. She had closed body with modern appearance and four-cylinder engine (in contrast to the Ford Model 18 with a complex for production-cylinders). The model was adopted for the production of the Gas, but with enough serious modifications to the requirements of the operation in the USSR, for example, two transverse leaf springs were replaced with four longitudinal and left engine 4-cylinder, but with increased up to 50 l / s capacity. 
In may 1936, began the serial production of 4-door 5-passenger luxury sedan, the GAZ-M-1(«Молотовец-1»), known as «эмка». This vehicle is the mass of the pre-war Soviet passenger model. On the basis of «emka» created a number serial modifications:
in 1937 - up truck GAZ-М415 with steel cab and metal platform for 500 kg of cargo;
in 1939 - the modernized sedan GAZ-11-73 with a 6-cylinder engine GAS-11;
in 1940 - all-Phaeton GAS-61-40;
in 1941 - the first in the world of comfortable SUV with a closed body type sedan GAS-61-73.
Before the beginning of the great Patriotic war on Gaza was created by the army commander-wheel-drive vehicle (jeep), the GAZ-64. The first car was produced in August 1941. Almost simultaneously with the release of американскго jeep-Willys-MA. The Gas 64 surpassed the American equivalent in many ways. To a lesser degree on the work of the Gas in the tank design and construction.
In 1936, the enterprise produced the first of a series of small floating tanks T-38, developed at the Moscow factory # 37. However, after the Deposit of 35 machines their production has been completed, and the design team tried to develop alternative and his version of the small floating tank. This culminated in the creation of the prototype of the TM («Tank Molotov»), which in a number of characteristics surpassed the T-38, on a number of - way, and on the whole both of these have very limited capabilities. As a result, up to the autumn of 1941, tank production on Gas no further development has been, although the company had tremendous potential for the production of light wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, required the red Army. He is also in demand later.    

   1941-1945 years
In the years of the great Patriotic war the enterprise has been completely re-oriented to production of military equipment.
In the initial period of the war in the shortest possible time was mastered the production of passenger army car of the raised passableness, the GAZ-64. In October 1941, the plant mastered the production of light tank T-60, the construction of which has been improved factory workers with the purpose of increase of its operational characteristics. At the same time with the large capacity of Gas in comparison with the Moscow factory no. 37, the developer of the T-60, it started to design more efficient variants of light tanks with an armor and armament. Already in December was built the prototype of the T-70, and after finalization it became the second largest tank of the red Army T-70. In the series of this fighting machine went to April 1942.
Also the same in the spring of the production stood easy бронеавтомобиль BA-64 on the basis of the GAZ-64. In 1943, has been upgraded (with уширенной track) бронеавтомобиль BA-64B and unified with him on the chassis of cars army-terrain vehicle GAZ-67.
Tank design Bureau of GAS under the guidance of Nikolai Alexandrovich Astrov in the course of the second half of 1942 worked on the strengthening of the chassis of the T-70, in order to eliminate the main lack of it - a single tower. So in October of 1942, on the Assembly line of the T-70 was changed its a modification of the T-70M, and in December of the same year, it was tested and put in the service of light tank T-80C double tower. As it is so great was the demand of the red Army in the self-propelled artillery, in the production of Gas was launched easy self-propelled artillery unit (sau) of SU-76 (SU-12). Since the transition to the manufacture of light tank T-80 could lead to a decline in the number of shipped army T-70M and SU-76, its output decided to organize in Mytishchi at the factory № 40, and горьковчане built five experienced and any prototype machines of this type. In 1943, the work of the tank KB focused on improving the destroyer of SU-76, because its the original version had a severe defect of the engine-transmission group. These efforts were crowned with success, improved model of self-propelled (SU-15, and later the SU-76М the second version) was spared from this lack. 
Also the designers of Gas have developed several prototypes of wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, which did not go into series for various reasons, for example, sau PCB-76, GAS-74, etc. In the same period has mastered the production of modernized passenger army-terrain vehicle GAZ-67B, published in the postwar period. Moreover, the GAS mass-produced engines, mortars and other products of military purpose. The leading role in the construction of Soviet car-terrain played a designer Vitaly A. Grachev, an award for the creation of an armored car BA-64 the Stalin prize in 1942. For the years of the great Patriotic war have been released:
car - 176 221 pieces. (including the Assembly of the land-лизовских sets of trucks Ford G8T and Chevrolet G7107);
tanks - about 12 000 PCs.;
self-propelled guns - over 9 000 PCs.;
mortars - 24 000 PCs.;
automobile engines - 232 000 PCs.;
shells for rocket installation «Katyusha» - 30 000 PCs. 
In 1943, only for a month, from 4 to 22 June, the German aviation bombed GAS seven times. Serious destruction received 50 buildings and buildings. Aborts mass production. 35 thousand of repairmen, installers, builders, working on 18-19 hours a day, restored the plant for 100 days. But we had to refuse the issue of a technologically complex three-axle truck GAZ-AAA, for a time it was stopped production and other automotive vehicles and armored vehicles BA-64. However, the manufacture and delivery of troops of light tank T-70 never stopped for the day, although the may figures of the employees of the plant managed to block only in October 1943.
Outstanding designers - innovators in the creation of military equipment have shown themselves As. A. Липгарт, N. A. Astrov, In. A. Dedkov, In. A. Grachev, And. M. Krieger, L. In. Косткин, Yu. Mr.. Сорочкин, In. To. Scars. The government of the USSR was highly appreciated the work of the plant workers in the years of war. The plant was awarded the orders of Lenin, the red banner, Patriotic war of the first degree.    

   1946-1960 years.
At the end of the great Patriotic war the factory was conducted work on replacement of all of the pre-war model range, the development of which was started in part before the war and actively resumed in 1943-1945 gg. Already in the first post-war 1946 in the series went to the famous sedan «Victory» GAZ-M20 (prototype in 1944) and the 2.5-ton truck GAZ-51 (prototype in 1943).
In 1947 the production of полуторки GAZ-MM was transferred to УльЗиС. Then mastered the production of caterpillar снегоболотохода GAS-47. 
In 1948, developed a four-wheel drive truck GAZ-63, and in 1949 created a prototype of the jeep GAZ-69 «Worker».
In 1950 the Assembly line began to go Executive sedan of a large class of GAZ-12 «ZIM», began mass production of armored personnel carrier BTR-40 (GAS-40).
In 1953-1954 was mastered the production of jeeps GAZ-69 and GAZ-69A (in 1955-1956 sent to the Ulyanovsk automobile plant " UAZ), as well as the first luxury SUV with suspension chassis GAZ M-72 of the units of the GAZ-69. 
In 1956, the «Victory» came sedan middle class «Volga» GAZ-21, who suffered on the way to mass production of a number of upgrades.
In 1959, the «ZIM» changed the elegant «Chaika» GAZ-13, продержавшаяся in the production of more than two decades. The work collective of the designers and designers of the plant GAS, such as GAZ-21 «Volga», GAZ-13 «Chayka» and a truck GAZ-52 at the world exhibition in Brussels in 1958, was awarded the highest award - the Grand Prix. 
In the second half of the 1950s production preparation of the third generation of trucks, which included a model of the GAS - 56 (with capacity of 1.5 tons), GAS-52(2.5 tons) and GAS-53 (3.5 tons). For the Soviet army in 1958, has mastered the production of the amphibious 1,2-ton truck GAZ-62 with cab over the engine. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons lorry GAZ-56 in a series of so and did not go, and development of manufacture of lorries GAZ-52 and GAZ-53 lasted until the 1960s.    1946-1960 years.
At the end of the great Patriotic war the factory was conducted work on replacement of all of the pre-war model range, the development of which was started in part before the war and actively resumed in 1943-1945 gg. Already in the first post-war 1946 in the series went to the famous sedan «Victory» GAZ-M20 (prototype in 1944) and the 2.5-ton truck GAZ-51 (prototype in 1943).
In 1947 the production of полуторки GAZ-MM was transferred to УльЗиС. Then mastered the production of caterpillar снегоболотохода GAS-47. 
In 1948, developed a four-wheel drive truck GAZ-63, and in 1949 created a prototype of the jeep GAZ-69 «Worker».
In 1950 the Assembly line began to go Executive sedan of a large class of GAZ-12 «ZIM», began mass production of armored personnel carrier BTR-40 (GAS-40).
In 1953-1954 was mastered the production of jeeps GAZ-69 and GAZ-69A (in 1955-1956 sent to the Ulyanovsk automobile plant " UAZ), as well as the first luxury SUV with suspension chassis GAZ M-72 of the units of the GAZ-69. 
In 1956, the «Victory» came sedan middle class «Volga» GAZ-21, who suffered on the way to mass production of a number of upgrades.
In 1959, the «ZIM» changed the elegant «Chaika» GAZ-13, продержавшаяся in the production of more than two decades. The work collective of the designers and designers of the plant GAS, such as GAZ-21 «Volga», GAZ-13 «Chayka» and a truck GAZ-52 at the world exhibition in Brussels in 1958, was awarded the highest award - the Grand Prix. 
In the second half of the 1950s production preparation of the third generation of trucks, which included a model of the GAS - 56 (with capacity of 1.5 tons), GAS-52(2.5 tons) and GAS-53 (3.5 tons). For the Soviet army in 1958, has mastered the production of the amphibious 1,2-ton truck GAZ-62 with cab over the engine. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons lorry GAZ-56 in a series of so and did not go, and development of manufacture of lorries GAZ-52 and GAZ-53 lasted until the 1960s.   
   1961-1980 years.
In the 1960s ended with the updated line of trucks. Adopting the conveyor GAZ-52 (1961), GAZ-53 (1961) and GAZ-66(1964) formed the third generation of trucks GAS. The GAZ-53, GAZ-66 started to install new power units with a powerful карбюраторным V8 engine. A four-wheel drive truck dual-purpose GAS-66 was the first among the cars of the USSR awarded the State quality symbol. 
Since the beginning of the 1960s to replace the famous «21-St» «Volga» was conducted the development of the passenger car GAZ-24 «Volga», the experimental-industrial party, which was prepared in 1968, and in 1970 began mass production. The car was marked by the awards: the gold medals at the International exhibitions in 1969 in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and in 1970 in Leipzig (GDR).
The production of a veteran of the GAZ-21 was closed in July of 1970-th, and in April 1975, with the production was filmed another veteran - GAZ-51A. The last descended from the conveyor of the legendary truck went to the Museum of the history of GAS. 
In 1977, began production of the GAZ-14 «Chaika» - a representative of the third generation of passenger cars of high class. This car was famous for its high technical level and comfort.
Also in the 1970s, was carried out the reorganization of production: August 24, 1971, on the basis of factories-branches and productions of the parent enterprise of the production Association «АвтоГАЗ». In 1973 it was renamed into THE «GAS», which includes 11 factories. For successful mastering of production of new cargo and passenger cars for the national economy in 1971 GAS plant was awarded the order of Lenin. In these years the development of the next generation of trucks GAS with a view to their дизелизацию, and also planned a substantial modernization of «Volga». 

   1981-1991 years.
In March 1981, from the plant conveyor came 10 millionth car GAS. In the 1980s, following the government program дизелизации, GAS begins to work on the truck of the fourth generation and a diesel engine for him.
In 1984 there was assembled the first cargo car GAS-4301 with a diesel engine of air cooling, independently developed by experts of automobile factory. Дизелизация in the 1980s, became the priority direction of enterprise development. Held in connection with the program of reconstruction was the most significant in the history of the plant. Construction of a factory of diesel engines was launched in 1984, but the start-up of plant of automobile engines GAS took place in 1993. Against this background, long lasting, and in the production of passenger cars there has been some stagnation.
Appeared in 1981, «the new Volga» GAZ-3102 with the engine форкамерно-torch ignition and front disc brakes, do not become the principal novelty, and only deep рестайлингом «24-Ki». Besides, the volumes of its production have been limited to a few thousands a year. As a result of luxury «31 " I» model «Volga» has occupied the niche between conventional «Volga» and «Chaika» and, like the latter, was intended solely for the service of management of important state institutions. At the same time, GAZ-24, renovated in 1985 and received the index of the GAS-24-10, continued to act in the cab companies and limited to the amount sold to private owners (mainly through the network of cash stores «Berezka»). 
Only in the late 1980s began the development of the fundamentally new family of cars with front and all-wheel drive. The first began designing a representative of the car GAS-3105, which subsequently produced in limited series. Designed for the mass production of sedans GAS-3103 (front wheel drive) and GAS-3104 (all wheel drive) because of the crisis in the 1990s did not become serial. In 1989 on the wave of perestroika the factory began initiative works on creation of low-tonnage truck full mass of up to 3.5 tons. Due to the system design CAD and accelerated test procedure the future of the family «Gazel» embarked on a conveyor belt in a record short time - even in the first half of the 1990s.
From the end of 1989 on the conveyor got up the transition from the third to the fourth generation of the truck GAZ-3307. 

   period 1992-2000
After the collapse of the USSR industry of the Russian Federation fell into a deep system crisis. GAS became one of the first major enterprises of the country, trying to adapt to the new market conditions. In November 1992, the Gorky automobile plant was reorganized into open joint-stock company (OJSC). The President of the JSC «GAZ» was elected N. A. Pugin.
Since the beginning of the 1990s medium tonnage truck carburetor GAS-3307 transition generation, as well as to him to replace the diesel model of the fourth generation: GAS-4301, GAS-3306 and GAZ-3309 with the original diesel engines of GAS-air cooling, lost mass market and were not able to provide full loading of capacities and further successful financial existence of a huge city-forming enterprise in the conditions of absence of the state support. But an extensive since the times of the USSR the deferred demand for passenger cars allowed the Gas to increase production of «Volga» in 1,8 times (with approximately 70 to 125 thousand cars per year).
Along the way, was in a state of permanent modernization of the family «Volga».
So, in 1992 appeared sedan GAZ-31029, different from the old model of GAS-24-10 mainly modernized design of the front and back parts of the body. In parallel, on the basis of «Volga» was established delivery truck GAZ-2304 «Burlak», and never has arisen out of a series by reason of a sharp increase in the output of passenger models. Мелкосерийный sedan of business-class GAS-3105, намечавшийся in the place of «the Seagull», the demand was not found because of the high cost, which was connected, first of all, with the absence of domestic technologies of production of modern components and accessories, as well as the growing competition on the part of the prestigious foreign cars.But which appeared in the July 1994, light-duty truck «Gazel» with GVW of 3.5 tons became the first post-war burst полуторкой GAS. Later the family «Gazel» was the most popular small series in the emerging class of LCV, extremely popular with the small and medium business and other sectors of the post-Soviet economy, becoming, thus, the real Savior enterprises and assuring him of a fairly stable development prospects. The first million of «Gazel» cars will be released in 11 years.
In December 1995 - assembled 15 millionth car of mark «GAS».
Van GAZ-32213 of the family «Gazel», developed in the spring of 1996, became the basis of the revived mass public transport - route taxi.
In 1996, the GAS has become the first Russian producer, apply on their own models of engines with 4 valves per cylinder. It was a 2.3-liter 4-cylinder engines of family ZMZ-406. However, they still for a long time could not supersede obsolete carburetor engines of family ZMZ-402, leading created in 1958, because of their lower cost.In 1997 there was carried out a modernization of the «Volga». The new model has a GAZ-3110. In the same year, GAS acquired a license from the Austrian company Steyr on the production of small-displacement diesel engines for passenger cars, vans and light trucks.
Also in 1997, the GAS has signed an agreement with the Italian concern Fiat to form a joint venture under the name of «Нижегород-motors» on Assembly of cars Fiat. Under the new joint venture have been prepared square shops of former plant of diesel engines, GAS, standing after the cutting of their issue, but due to the default of 1998, the project did not take place. In the second half of 1998 in the manufacturing was started the second family of light-duty vans and trucks GAZ «Sobol» full mass up to 2.8 tons. In 1999, off-road truck dual-purpose GAS-66, issued almost a million copies, and was replaced by a more perfect капотным truck GAZ-3308 «Sadko», also adopted for service with the Russian army.
From the second half of the 1990s were conducted active work on the creation of the family of light-duty pickup trucks and SUVs GAS-2308 «Ataman», GAZ-23081 «Ataman Ermak» and GAS-3106 «Ataman-2». In 1998, the заднеприводной a platform of «Volga» was developed by the «transition» sedan GAZ-3111, designed to strengthen the position of the Gas in the business-class segment (E2) prior to the development of a series of prospective models of GAS-3103 and GAS-3104, based on a platform of model GAS-3105. However, after the default of 1998, even the cost of not so complicated model GAZ-3111 proved to be too high for the «просевшего» of the market.
With the end of the 1990s, GAS began design work on the creation of prospective среднетоннажного low-truck GAZ-3310.
In the 1990s, GAS unfolded cooperation with world manufacturers of equipment and components:
Lucas - production of brake systems and other components;
INGERSOLL-RAND - production of high-quality tool;
Haden - production of paint complexes;
CZ - production of turbochargers for diesel engines;
Bosch - manufacture of electrical equipment for cars;
Lear - production of seats.    

   years 2000-2010
In November 2000, the controlling stake of OJSC «GAZ» was purchased by the company «Base element»Oleg Deripaska. In 2001 OJSC «GAZ» was a part of automobile holding company «RusPromAvto», which the radical restructuring of the 2005 transformed into holding «Group GAZ», where OJSC «GAZ» plays the role of a parent company. Accordingly, all products of the «Group» were distributed among the divisions, formed on the production, and not a territorial principle. The specialization of the JSC «GAZ» for production of light and medium commercial vehicles has been preserved. According to the «Group» it occupies the 7th place in the world on production of light commercial vehicles.
Already in the end of 2000 on Gaza began a major reorganization. Subsequently, a number of promising areas, including a programme of pickup trucks and SUVs «Ataman», a motor-car GAS-3115 segment D and a number of other projects have been phased out because of a lack of financial resources and low marketing appeal. Was radically reorganized the dealer network (in fact, it was created from scratch), a full financial audit of the company, a number of non-core assets removed for the scope of the company. These measures led to first reduce the loss ratio, and by the middle of the decade to reach the level of profitability. The main attention was paid to the development of the most competitive directions of - light commercial vehicles with GVW of up to 3.5 tons (Light Commercial Vehicle), in the segment of which the GAS is actually a monopolist. In 2005, the company was able to master the serial production of a new family of low-framed medium-duty trucks GAZ-3310 «Valdai», and the General recovery of the economy has increased the demand and the traditional среднетоннажные trucks GAZ-3307, 3309 and GAZ-3308 «Sadko». In 2005 and 2006, «the Group GAS» has made significant efforts to overcome the technological and time lag from the leading world manufacturers, in this case, to accelerate development of new equipment is actively used the experience of the leading car manufacturers. In a number of strategic objectives of the «Group GAZ» was to increase the scale of their business and entry into the club of global players of the international automobile market. The focus of the «Group GAZ» focused on the segments of light commercial vehicles, passenger cars E-class and power units. Division of «sectors» in 2006 has increased due to the acquisition of the «Group GAZ» of the British company LDV Group, specializing in the manufacture of light two-wheel drive vans Maxus the full weight up to 3.5 tons. In may 2008, the GAS began to assemble in Nizhny Novgorod vans and minibuses Maxus of the English SKD kits. As of localization and the transition to technology of CKD Assembly, the volume of production of Maxus was to amount to 50 thousand a year, but because of the crisis and the bankruptcy of the LDV project to this stage and did not come down and was scrapped in mid-2009.
Because of the conflict on the price of engines ZMZ in 2006-2008 part of the «Volga», «Sable» and «Gazel» cars were equipped with imported engines Chrysler 2.4 l.Division «Motor vehicles» made in June 2007, the restyling of the interior of sedans Volga» (31105 and 3102), but the drop in demand for outdated model range and the crisis of forced GAS collapse at the end of 2008 production of these models. In the development of the car model range of «GAZ Group» has bought in 2006, the group DaimlerChrysler Assembly enterprise «sterling hills», producing medium sedans Chrysler Sebring and Dodge Stratus. On the equipment removed from the United States, from July 2008, was organized by producing its own model of the segment E Volga Siber. The volume of production of Volga Siber was supposed to be in the number of 65 thousand in the year, but the model was unpopular, and after the release of 8,7 thousand cars Assembly was phased out in late 2010.
In 2010, the GAS produced 70,3 thousand freight cars (+78.1 per cent in 2009). Through the dealer network of the OJSC «GAZ» in 2010, was sold 83,25 thousand trucks and buses (+61,6 % in 2009), including exports to more than 30 countries of the world.
If the share of LLC «GAS» in the production of LCVs and minibuses in the country is about 59 %, in the production of passenger cars of its share fell to 0.4 % and in the presence of self-mark «GAS» in the automotive sector over. However, in the future the company intends to return to the passenger segment on account of Assembly of foreign brands Chevrolet, Volkswagen and Skoda.    

   GAS and 2008-2010 crisis
Already in September 2008, the company OOO «GAZ» was faced with a financial crisis, and in October - with the crisis of the sales. In the fourth quarter of 2008 and in January 2009 GAS several times stopped the conveyer with the aim of unloading oversupplied sites of the finished product. In connection with occurrence of serious debt before the suppliers, as well as the offer of bonds to the amount of $147 million, in the beginning of February
The government of the Russian Federation made a decision to provide financial support to the «Group GAZ».
In connection with the crisis management of Gas has taken various anti-crisis packages, so, with the end of 2008 introduced shorter working week and reducing of staff (from 105 up to 95 th.). Despite the suspension in November 2008, the conveyor production of sedans 31105 and 3102 obsolete family «Volga», was supposed to be reduction in their price and if there is demand again run in production.
However, the demand was not forthcoming and the spring-summer 2009 passenger conveyor was dismantled, in the future it is expected the Assembly of foreign cars. Plans to release in 2009, a new model of Volga Siber have been adjusted to 8 thousand. and later, and up to 3 thousand. in fact produced only 1717 sedans, of which implemented 428 machines. In 2009, the Volga Siber has been included in the list of domestic cars for centralized government procurement, but was not included in the official list of car models with дотируемыми credits for physical persons. In 2010 Siber get the list of models included in the program of recycling, which accounts for the GAS could be for 10 months of 2010, the planned volume of 5.1 thousand sedans and turned on 31 October the production of them.
may 6, 2009, «the Group GAS» has sold the Malaysian concern Weststar
its British factory LDV Holdings, which belonged to the Russian concern for the past three years and issued commercial vehicles under the Maxus brand. Delivery of Assembly sets of Maxus for GAS were terminated also in 2009, and the model is derived from the Russian market.
To save the sales of light commercial vehicles GAS has developed a удешевленную to $6 000 version of «Gazelle» with engines UMZ-4216 and lightweight cabin. However, the model is not in demand - was released only a limited number of about 700 cars.
on February 4, 2010 «GAZ Group» started serial production of modernized the families of the light commercial cars «Gazelle-Business» and «Sobol-Business». Sale of modernized vehicles via the dealer network launched on 25 February 2010.
July 20, 2010 «GAZ Group» started serial production of diesel modifications of the car «Gazelle-Business».
At the end of October 2010, the GAS has announced the beginning of production of 4-ton version of GAS-33106 with Cummins engine of ISF 3.8.
October 31, 2010 discontinued production of Volga Siber.
on 23 December 2010, Daimler and the «Group GAZ» have signed the agreement on the organization of production of light commercial vehicles Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (series W901-W905) at the Gorky automobile plant.    

   GAS in 2011
In the beginning of February of 2011, the «Group GAZ» and the American company GM signed an agreement on a contract Assembly of the facilities of the GAS the new generation of models of Chevrolet Aveo. The beginning of the Assembly is expected since the summer of 2012.
In mid-June 2011 Volkswagen Group Rus and GAZ group signed an agreement on the eight years of the contract Assembly of 110 000 cars in a year at the facilities of the Gas. The agreement was signed in the framework of the transition Volkswagen to a new mode of industrial Assembly of cars in Russia. The Assembly of models VW Jetta, Škoda Yeti and Škoda Octavia will be carried out on the basis of the line of Volga Siber. The production of passenger models of their own development in the foreseeable future as long as it is not envisaged. 

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